January 13, 2025 - March 3, 2025
9:30 am - 10:15 am
In-person classes will be available this winter! The song collection this session is “Drum”.
Please feel free to contact me with questions, feedback or suggestions.
I hope to see you in January!
All the best,
Will Branch
Founded in 2009, Mr. Will’s Music Together serves several Milwaukee locations. Music Together® is a long-trusted and time-tested program, based on solid research, that creates a stimulating and supportive environment for fun and healthy musical development. The songs and materials used in the classes are of the highest quality, and the philosophy behind the program matches my own experiences working with children and music.
Parents often find that they enjoy Music Together classes just as much as their children. Since the classes are mixed-age, there’s an opportunity for making new friends and for older siblings to be a part of the class as well as the youngest child.
(414) 768-5880
(404) 312 - 0783
I have been a teacher for this program in Milwaukee since 2005. My work with children and music began around 2000, when I began to perform folk music concerts for kids in the duo Fox and Branch. Since then, in addition to continuing to perform, I’ve worked in schools as both a music teacher and an artist-in-residence. I’ve enjoyed every single day that I’ve spent playing music for kids and leading music classes. I hope that you and your child enjoy this program, too.
Read more about Will Branch at: http://www.willbranch.com